When I told people I would only be packing a carry on for all 17 days of vacation. I got some crazy looks and to be honest I didn't think I could do it. After lots of strategizing and some packing help from my Mom, I made it work!
We did laundry in Munich. It was interesting but between a clean trash can, some $1.35 laundry soap from Aldi and turning my hands into a washing machine, we managed to get it all done.
The steps to "bathtub" laundry:
1. Fill bucket (trash can or bath tub) half up with water, and add about half of what you would normally use.
2. Add the clothes then fill up bucket
3. Let clothes soak for 15 mins
4. Create the "spin cycle" with your hands. Do this for about 5 mins
5. Dump out water, but leave clothes
6. Add water to fill it up again
7. Swoosh clothes around then dump
8. Continue steps 6 and 7, 3 more times (this is the rinse cycle)
9. Ring out clothes really well
10. Hang to dry
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