Friday, May 15, 2015

Holy European Bakeries!

OMG! If you are on a diet STAY AWAY FROM EUROPE! Especially if you are on a no sweets, and no carbs diet! On every corner (sometimes sooner) there are delicious treats and fresh baked breads.  If the smell that you can sniff from about 50 yards away is not enough to pull you in the door, the sight of the display case will. 

I'm a sucker for bread and sweets, so Brian had to pull me along a few times and a few times be initiated the "sweets stop." 

The display cases have deserts that look so yummy, yet I can't pronounce a single name. I do the ol' "point and smile" when ordering. Everyone is super nice about this so that helps. On the rare occasion I have attempted to pronounce the word, they quickly say it the correct way (not trying to correct me but making sure it was what I wanted) and I realize I was so far off I turn red in embarrassment. 

I enjoyed an enormous macaroon from the Paul bakery in Brussels. 

Not. Only do they have yummy treats but they also have premade sandwiches that put subway to shame. The bread is amazing, and although I felt it weird at first, they butter the bread and it's actually very tasty. 

One thing I was looking forward to was having a true Belgium waffle, so you can imagine my excitement when I saw this display case (did I mention they sometimes place these in the window like  if you where "window shopping" for sweets). 
Of course Brian decided we needed one, and off we went to order our yummy treat. 
It was the most amazing waffle (did I mention I don't really remember ever having a true waffle, bc I'm not a morning sweets kinda girl) I've EVER had! It was so warm, sugary, soft in the middle and a little crunchier outside, melt in your mouth amazing! 

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