Friday, July 27, 2018

Third Trimester Excitement

At our 20 week scan not only did we find out we were having BOY, but we also found out I had Placenta Previa. The definition of Placenta Previa is, a condition in which the placenta partially or wholly blocks the neck of the uterus, thus interfering with normal delivery of a baby. When first receiving this information we remained very optimistic that it would move by the time we needed to deliver. Placenta Previa is very rare, only occurring in less than 200,000 pregnancies a year, and I did not fit into any of the categories of people who are typically affected by this. So another words as my Doctor said "sometimes these things just happen and there is no reason."

Due to this diagnosis we were scheduled for an ultrasound at 28 weeks to check that placement of the placenta and to see if it had moved. We both remained optimistic still hoping it would have moved which would allow us to have a normal pregnancy and a vaginal delivery. Unfortunately at that ultrasound we found out it had not moved, and they scheduled another ultrasound for a month later. 

The Thursday following the 28 week scan, I began to bleed in the evening. We had just put Everly to bed, and had to call my sister to come right over and stay the night. After calling my Doctor they told us to come straight to the hospital and go to Labor and Delivery. Thankfully my bleed was not too bad and they were able to stop the small contractions I was having and were able to stop the bleeding. I had to stay in the hospital to be monitored for 4 days. 

When I was finally able to go home I was released on moderate bed rest and was told I could not be alone without an adult who could drive, because typically once you have a bleed you will have more. Your body literally turns into a ticking time bomb which makes you a little anxious. It was very hard to remain sitting and to not be the one taking care of Everly. Thankfully my Mom, Dad, Sisters, Aunts, cousins, Mamaws and Father in law all have been very helpful. I tried to obey Doctors orders" but as I'm sure most people with a toddler can understand its not that easy. Not only are you trying to make the most of the last days you have with just your first born but she didn't understand I couldn't hold her or pick her up. It was extremely hard.

I had an ultrasound scheduled for the Monday after my 32 week mark and unfortunately the Friday before I had another bleed. This time we had just put Everly down for nap and Brian was working from home, so he was my "adult." This bleed was much bigger than the last but thankfully I had not hemorrhaged. My cousin and his fiance came right over and Brian and I headed to the hospital again. This time was a little more scary due to the amount of blood as well as Baby T's heartbeat was pretty fast and so was mine. Instead of the normal one nurse, there was 3 that rushed in. They very quickly got an IV in my arm, started me on fluids and began asking me all kinds of questions that lead me to believe they thought delivery could be near. 

I figured I would have to stay for 4 days again to be monitored. I was checked in on the 13th of July, and that following Monday, my Doctor said she wanted me to stay at least until Friday. That would be a one week stay and although I was bummed I was able to accept that. I thought as long as I did not continue to bleed I would be able to go home.....

I was wrong. Since we moved back in April and we live further away from the hospital my Doctor felt it was best to stay at the hospital until Baby T made his debut, which we had hoped would be many more weeks. 

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