Friday, July 27, 2018

Gender Reveal

It took me a few weeks to fully realize that I was actually pregnant and we were going to have another baby. It was different from getting pregnant with Everly because we were trying and had hopes it would happen quickly, which it did, so this time I remained in shock for awhile. Due to this I think I probably took about 60 pregnancy test.

 We decided to forgo the early testing which allows you to find out very early on if you are having a Boy or a Girl. Part of me wanted to have another Girl because I felt like I know how to be a "girl mom," and I also knew Everly had a ton of cute clothes we could re-use. On the other hand I kinda wanted to have a Boy because then we would have one of each. Brian didnt seem to have an opinion although as we headed to the ultrasound I knew in my gut it was a Boy but for whatever reason Brian thought it was a Girl.

Needless to say we were both excited to hear that we were expecting a little BOY!

 A few months prior to our Anatomy scan we announced to all our family at Everly's Birthday that she was going to be a Big Sister. Everyone was delighted and we were so glad we could share that moment with each and everyone of them.

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