After some planning, (because thats my personality) we decided we would start trying in the Spring and that way we would have another winter baby so my nephews "hand-me-downs" would fit, and so that my maternity clothes would also all work. The plan was perfect!
God apparently had another plan for us because Christmas morning I woke up and had this feeling that I could be pregnant. I cant really describe it because its not like I was sick, I just had a gut feeling. I took a pregnancy test as soon as I woke up and although it was not clear there appeared to be a faint plus line! I decided to go about the day and not say anything to anyone until I could take another test. That evening when we got home from all the Christmas activities I told Brian I was going to run to CVS to get chapstick. He did not understand why I had to go on Christmas Day and I just told him I needed it now.

We were both in shock for a few days. I still couldn't grasp that it was real, so I went on Amazon and bought the 50 pack of Pregnancy tests. I proceeded to take one almost everyday until our first appointment which wasn't until I was 8 weeks along, so I had 4 weeks left.
At our appointment we were able to get an ultrasound and hear Baby T's heartbeat. After that appointment it all became real and we found out we would be welcoming a baby into the world and the expected delivery date was September 6, 2018.
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