Friday, August 3, 2018

Hospitalized Bed Rest

So far I have been hospitalized for 25 days during this pregnancy, and we have a little over a week left. Our goal is to make it to 36 weeks. I have all the faith in the world that God is in control and this baby will come when its the right time.
Many people have asked how I am doing, or what do I need? The short answers are I am doing good, and all I really need is prayers for a healthy deliver and for God to wrap his hands around the Doctors and Nurses during my stay, as well as during my csection. For the long answer, and more detailed, I thought I would do a "Pros & Cons" list.

Pros (because I like to remain positive about this whole thing and keep the good in the front of my brain)

  • I can nap whenever I would like 
  • I am able to sleep in, until 11 if I want
  • I get to have any or all meals in bed if I would like. I especially enjoy breakfast!
  • I don't have to cook
  • I have plenty of time for crafts, coloring, binge watching TV and reading
  • I don't have to do laundry
  • My bedding is changed daily
  • My room gets cleaned by the cleaning staff daily
  • I have a Jacuzzi tub and can take a bubble bath whenever I want
  • I get weekly massages from my amazing massage therapist who comes here
  • I have time to get ready every morning 
  • The nurses are amazing
  • My Doctor is awesome and I feel very safe being here, because when I have a bleed I'm already here and they can help me quickly so I feel very safe.

  • Miss Brian, Everly, and Riley
  • Miss the house
  • I'm not able to "really" nest so I clean my room a lot
  • I have to get blood work done every 72 hours and my IV changed every 3-5 days, which I hate because I'm terrified of needles. 
  • I get bored, and dream of going for a walk
  • My body is achy. Going from always being on the move, and chasing two toddlers around, to being on bed rest is really hard. You don't really think about how achy you get when you don't move much.
  • The food, although good, gets boring and I crave anything outside of these walls
  • Miss my bed and being able to sleep with Brian at night. 

Now for the detailed answer to "What do I need". Below is a list of things people have done or brought that have made my day!

  • My Mom's friends all got snacks, and coloring books and activities for Everly when she visits. This has been awesome because she has something to do when she is visiting and keeps her busy. 
  • Flowers- I have loved all the flowers I have received and they definitely brighten my room.
  • Visits from loved ones- It's so nice to have a visit from someone just to be able to have some conversations with someone other than a nurse. The only advice I have is to be sure to let someone know you are coming instead of surprising them. Yes, someone on bed rest is not doing much, but there is nothing worse than laying down for a nap to then have an unexpected guest show up and you are too tired to want to chat.
  • Food, or a drink from any place outside of the hospital. I love getting a fountain Diet Coke, since the hospital only has nasty Pepsi products. 
  • Pampering- Any type of pampering is also great while on bed rest. Whether it be something like a pedicure set that I can do on my own time, or offering to give a scalp massage or paint my toes (since they are harder to reach). One of my favorite things was when my sister came and gave me a Dermaplane treatment, facial and scalp massage. It truly made my day. 
  • All the positive messages I have received, whether in the mail, email, text, or facebook, they have all made my days a little brighter.

Overall hospitalized bed

rest is not terrible but there are hard times, but as long as you keep your eye on the end goal, and on the positives it helps make it a little better. One thing that has helped me is my inspirational door that I have created here in my room. My sister in law got me this amazing coloring book that has different Bible versus on it, and I have been coloring those and hanging them up to keep those important scriptures in my face when I start to get down. I also constantly remind myself "Everyday little man and I are in here together is 2 less days he will have to be in the NICU and me be at home."

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