It's exciting that once Everly arrives, around 12 weeks later I will be an Aunt! This is such an exciting year for my sisters and I as we have two babies coming and one wedding! I will have a new brother in law and a new nephew all by October!
The top 10 joys of being pregnant with your sister are:
1. Getting to talk to someone else about all the weird things going on with your body.
2. Comparing belly photos at certain time in pregnancy.
3. Finding out one of you is having a girl and the other is having a boy.
4. Knowing your kids will grow up close in age.
5. According to Michaela "she gets to watch me go through the pain first," so she will know what to expect.
6. Sharing the joys of no longer having control of your bodily functions.
7. Having many pregnancy laughs together. (Pregnancy laughs are laughs that you have where you can't control yourself and you cry, toot, and spit out your drink all at the same time)
8. Not feeling guilty eating whatever you want when you are with them because they will not judge because they get it.
9. Having someone understand your pregnancy hormone breakdowns.
10. Caring enough about each other that you can tell white lies when the other person may not have that "glow" all the time.
Overall it is a super exciting time and I'm beyond blessed to spend it with my sister!
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