Thursday, May 18, 2017

Having a 15 Month Old

WOW! Today Everly is 15 months old! I cant even believe that she is growing so quickly. She is such a joy to have in our lives and we thank God daily that he chose us to be her parents.
Today was also her 15 month Dr appointment and her Dr couldn't get over how "big" she is. Not necessarily in size, yet she is in the 90th percentile on both height and weight, but mostly on how smart she is. He said "Mom she is very precocious," and I couldn't agree more. She can say a few sentences, and has many words in her vocabulary. Everyday I hear her say a new word that I didnt know she knew. Just this week she started saying:
That's cool
Since she can communicate what she wants she has also begun to throw tantrums when she doesnt get her way. Thankfully I got the "go-ahead" from Dr Harper to start using timeout. We will see how that goes tomorrow. 
Right after Everly turned 13 months old, we started putting her on the potty from time to time. Mostly right before nap and bed. The very first time we did this she peed! We were so excited! Ever since whenever she sits on the potty, you can see that she is really trying to make herself pee. She likes that when she sits on her potty she gets to read special "potty" books, and she also gets a treat (1/4 Arrow cookie) for trying. We are not necessarily potty training her just yet, but we are trying to create a positive association with her potty seat. Far too many times I see kids beginning the potty training process way late and then it becomes stressful for the parents and the child, which results in them having a negative association with the whole potty training process. 
We ended up ordering a potty seat on Amazon, and love the one we chose. It looks like a Princess thrown and when she pees it make royal sounds and her face lights up every time. She also enjoys dumping her pot after, and flushing the big toilet. 
Everly has lots of new tricks up her sleeve but the one that is causing the most stress recently is not the "positive potty experience" but the fact that she loves to climb. I dont mean just like climb on the couch, I mean climb on anything and everything that she can reach. Trees, toys, chairs, tables, her cousin Callen, Riley (our dog), bookshelves, tv stands, and her rocking horse to name a few. Let's just say this little girl is a little adventurous and I believe she could give her Daddy grey hair someday. Thankfully she is extremely loving, so although she raises my anxiety level at times, the love she gives helps it come back down. 
She is probably the sweetest little girl ever. She is always loving on her Grandparents, cousins, Aunts and Uncle's and of course Mommy and Daddy.
The last 15 months have been so amazing! We cant wait to see whats next for this spunky, precocious, wild child! 

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