Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Back to "work" after having a baby

When I began my Mary Kay business my whole goal was to be able to be a work from home mom, make money, and not miss any of my kids moments. The goal of working from home actually happened prior to even trying to have kids, so once we were pregnant, I was fortunate enough to be pregnant and working from home as well.

This was such a blessing and I wish every women could stay home while pregnant especially in the first and third trimester. For me those were the hardest. The first I was so incredibly sick I lost 20 lbs, and had to be on nausea meds until 18 weeks, and the third I was miserable, and large and not getting any sleep because I had to pee every two seconds.

So after baby girl arrived I was able to work a little by delivering products to customers when it fit into my schedule. So I was still making money. I decided to take 6 weeks off from having any appointments so I could focus on learning to be a mom. This time period was great but I was missing my Mary Kay time. Here is baby girl on our first delivery after she was born: 

After 6 weeks I was chomping at the bit to get back into a routine with working out, Mary Kay, and still being a great Mom. I knew it would be a transition, but I was ready for it. 

I held my first weekly meeting and all was great! There was a great turn out, and Everly has some time with Daddy, which turned out to be funny because she had he first blow out!! 

So now I'm learning to work while she naps, wherever that may be, and get into a routine. 

So thankful for the amazing opportunity Mary Kay Ash has created so I can do this "work" thing while still being at home with my baby girl. Feeling very blessed. 

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