On Thursday, April 21, 2016 my baby sister delivered a beautiful healthy baby boy Callen Michael. I was so blessed to be able to be there during the labor process and wait patiently in the waiting room while she pushed.
My little sister was so strong, Callen arrived three weeks early and while she was having contractions five minutes apart she kept telling herself "this is not real I cannot be in labor yet,"but she was, and as soon as I saw her I knew she was. I knew she was just scared, which everyone would be. Once we got to the hospital at 11 PM they checked her and told her that she was 4 cm and 80% effaced and that she was going to be having a baby. My mom and my other sister Chelsea we're so excited! So we stayed and pulled an all night or. It was my first night away from Everly so I missed her so much, but I knew she was at home perfectly sleeping with her daddy.
As Michaela's contractions begin to get closer and stronger Chelsea who was her birthing coach did an amazing job. The love us three girls have for each other is one that is beyond words. It is so much more than just sisterly love. We are best friends. And that goes for my mom as well, she's our best friend too. We banded together like a family that we are and help my baby sister bring this beautiful little boy into the world.
At 12:21PM on April 21 Callen was born! He was 8 pounds and 21 inches long and tons of black hair. He's so perfect! It was a memorable occasion for everyone The moment I got to hold him was so special. I wasn't aunt! And Brian wasn't Uncle! For the first time!! And we could not have been more excited.
The moment that I got to hold him was beyond special! He was perfect he was everything I had dreamed up and I was so proud of my baby sister for all that she has done, not only just the last nine months of having a very hard high-risk pregnancy but for delivering this little boy like a champ! #BeastMode 😉