Friday, February 21, 2014


Thank God it is Friday! It has been such a crazy week. The toddler (2 1/2 years old) that I nanny for has been on the best behavior EVER today! I love Fridays because it's almost the weekend but at the same time I know that when I come back on Monday, he will have forgotten that when I am here, I am the "boss", and we will start all over until next Friday when he will be a perfect angel. Monday and Tuesday are the worst. He doesn't listen and hits, and kicks me. The worst part is that if I say he needs to stop or he will have a time out, he says (in this "bratty" voice) "I don't care," which really burst my bubble. (Then he goes to timeout)

I'm very excited because today I'm going with my sister and some of her coworkers to happy hour. It's a special happy hour because a few weekends ago I met a girl in Broad Ripple who in from Columbia, and has the same name as one of Chelsea's coworkers who is also from Columbia. So tonight the two will meet! I'm so pumped it will be like having two Sofia Vergara's in the same room :-) I'm sure not as extreme but still cool experience.

I always have a great time with my sister Chelsea. There are so many words to describe her but here is a list of the top 10:
1. Kind hearted- she is one of those animal lovers who cries when she sees an animal shelter
2. Accident prone- she has had 3 broken arms (2 required surgery) torn ACL, and meniscus
3. Dare devil- she once ate a frog liver in biology while dissecting it
4. Wild child- he motto in life is "I will try anything once"
5. Prankster- she loves to play jokes and get a rise out of people. (Ketchup incident) 
6. Bold- she tells it like it is and if you don't like it too bad
7. Ditsy- she is very smart just lacks in the common scenes sometimes, she doesn't always think first
8. Smart- I know totally contradicting the last one, but she is a Purdue Grad and did really well in school.
9. Outgoing- she has never met a stranger
10. Likable- everyone who knows Chelsea loves her. 

Excited for a fun weekend starting out with some "sister time".

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