Everyone has their own pregnancy story, and trust me everyone wants to tell you theirs. They are either one of three things
1. "I never got sick during my pregnancy, you poor thing"
2. "I was sick the entire pregnancy I hope that's not the same thing as you."
(my favorite) 3. "you should get better by ____(filling the blank with the week, which never has happened)
I hate that one because it gives me hope and the second I hit that week and I'm still puking I wanna cry.... And sometimes I do.
Don't get me wrong I am so blessed that we are having a baby, (and on the first try at that) because I know there are so many people out there who are unable to have their own children, or who struggle to conceive. Which is something that I have to tell myself every day as I'm getting sick (still) and fighting all the pains of your body changing. No one ever tells you how dry your eyes will be and that your contacts will hate you, and how stuffy your nose will get. They only tell you the happy things like "oh wait until you feel the baby kick."
So let's be real for a second. Pregnancy is hard! It's a joyous ride but it's hard. It may not be as hard for everyone but think about it, you were growing a little human inside of your body. Your body is working harder than a mountain climbers on a daily basis. Talk about exhausting and trust me you will feel it. I just pray that you're blessed to take as many naps as I do.
A new symptom that has hit this week is insomnia there's nothing worse than being wide-awake at 4 o'clock in the morning and literally starving. And for me that burst of energy that they promised would happen the second you hit the second trimester it never happened!! The only thing that changed is I don't feel like I'm going to fall sleep at every stoplight.
Onto the exciting parts of pregnancy first maternity clothes are actually getting cute so no worries about looking like a huge whale in a trash bag. But I will say during the "awkward stage" dresses are your best friend. There's nothing more uncomfortable than trying to fit into a pair of pants that are smooshing the baby and it's screaming "hey help me out I need room to grow." Another great thing about pregnancy is getting to hear the baby's heartbeat it's something so unreal and like nothing you've ever imagined before the fact that there are two heartbeats inside of you. And don't get me started about the ultrasound! That is like the coolest thing in the whole wide world to actually get to see a baby moving around inside of your belly, yet you can't feel it yet, but it's the most amazing thing to know that you created that and there it is inside of you growing and getting bigger every single day until the day you get to meet it. One thing that I wasn't sure that I would like, because in the "non pregnant" world you would not like your belly getting bigger, but when you're pregnant it's the most exciting thing to wake up in the morning and see that your belly is growing! Just knowing the fact that because your belly is growing means that your baby is healthy and your baby is growing.
I'm one of the most impatient people. And I can totally admit that. So when they say "will see you in four weeks" it's the longest four weeks ever, and when they say "you can't find out what the baby is until 20 weeks at your ultrasound" it's the longest 20 weeks of your life. Because honestly the truth is all the fun stuff starts after you know the sex of the baby especially if you're going to find out. Because then you can start shopping, and you can start registering for doing all those fun baby things. There are definitely ways around finding out what the sex of the baby is before 20 weeks, but besides genetic testing and pain to send off a blood sample, there's really no easy way. We decided against all genetic testing because of too many false positives. We didn't want the extra stress on our pregnancy just because we were too anxious to find out the gender. So now we are in the waiting stage again. In four weeks we get to find out the sex of the baby, and I'm ecstatic! I have literally done every wives tale there is in the book to determine the gender. Let me just tell you it's all over the board, it's not clear whether it's a boy or girl so I guess we will have to wait until the ultrasound. I know Brian and I both have our suspicions on what the baby is but at the end of the day we only pray that it is a healthy baby.
So as the countdown continues, only 25 days until we find out the gender of baby T.